Years ago, my therapist assigned me a seemingly daunting task – to write a “life letter”.

I could already hear the critical inner voice swirling in my head, incessantly questioning the value of this writing exercise. My mind was on a constant loop of ‘This is so dumb, I have nothing to write about, why would I want to do this?’ That relentless negative self-talk wreaked havoc in my mind, amplified by the unrealistic demand for perfection that I could never quite satisfy.

Thankfully, with the guidance of my therapist, I was able to temporarily turn down the volume of those self-defeating voices. During that reprieve, I asked her what she wanted me to write about and what she hoped I would gain from this particular assignment. She explained that she wanted my future self to write to my current self, who was struggling, and provide the plentiful reasons why not just recovery – but living – is worth it.

I won’t lie – that assignment was insanely difficult for me. The only way I made it through the letter was by writing it from a universal perspective. In other words, I focused on why recovery and staying alive would be worth it for everyone. This shift in perspective helped me realize how truly worthwhile it is. My hope is that by sharing my life letter, it will help you see why it’s worth it for you, too.

There is light, beauty, joy, and wonder to be found in the simplest things’ life offers – one merely needs to look around. Idealism and optimism dance across the earth’s surfaces, while innocence and opportunity abound, playfully sprinkled throughout every facet of the day. Perhaps even in the most uninhabitable places, magic waits to be stirred alive, filled with hopeful anticipation and exciting possibility.

This magic has a living, breathing faith, and you are it. You’re the catalyst who can bring this enchantment to life – all it takes is a little curiosity. Do not give up. Lift your gaze and see the world reflected in yourself. You are one with the cosmos, crafted from stardust and solar flares, radiating as brightly as the sun and moon. The ocean’s floor awaken your inner power, guiding you to tranquility, while mountain winds fill your lungs and escape your lips. Even the daisies smile, captivated by your resplendent bloom reaching toward the open sky.

You are an infinite expanse, encompassing the boundless blue of ocean depths and the lush, verdant foliage of majestic gardens. Like a forest once desecrated but now flourishing anew, you are your own sanctuary – more wild and free for having endured.

Let no one tell you that you are weak. You’re a wellspring of untapped potential. Awaken to the magic that surrounds you – you are an integral part of it all.

At the core of your being resides a powerful, elemental force – a duality of holy water and hellfire, with roots as deep as the earth’s center and wings that soar to the heavens. Take heart, my friend. Though life presents endless challenges, your inherent worth remains undiminished. Find solace in this knowledge, especially when difficult situations try to drag you down. Even when your inner flame flickers, the eternal spark never truly fades. It remains within you, ready to be nurtured and reignited. Do not let it be extinguished, for you have immense potential to grow, expand, and thrive. When you feel weak, welcome that vulnerability – oftentimes, your greatest strength emerges from softness.

Regardless of your emotional state, remembering this principle can help you embrace life’s natural rhythm, allowing everything to move through you. Staying present and attuned to the ebbs and flows will permit you to navigate your journey with greater confidence, even while facing adversity. I know it’s difficult, but accepting the challenges you face, rather than resisting them, can help the darkness lift more quickly and restore a sense of peace and contentment. Remember, better days are coming, and you must be alive to experience them.

Although you may have doubts, know this – you possess an unstoppable force within you that should not be underestimated. This fearlessness has the power to reshape your entire reality. You don’t need to search the depths of your soul or clear your mind to know this truth. Simply feel it. Stand up, find your center and break free of the burdens weighing you down. The truth is, you hold an entire universe within you, capable of incredible things. Now is the time to fully embody your true self, because it is this authenticity that may one day help save the world.

All you need is a little faith. Believe that you can start again and become the person you aspire to be. While this transformative journey may feel daunting, a warm, guiding light shines upon you. Though it may be obscured at times, the light dwells within you resolutely – emanating through your eyes and smile, illuminating your very essence. Cling tightly to that radiance. Let the compliments of others about your luminous spirit serve as reminders of your importance.

You are an irreplaceable part of life itself – an invaluable document of the world’s history. As a unique individual, there is no one else like you. Your thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences are one-of-a-kind. As such, they deserve to be heard.

I implore you, do not give up on the opportunity to live your fullest, most vibrant life. There are countless reasons for you to keep going – music to discover, books to read, films to watch, places to explore, people to meet, and dreams to pursue. Embracing these experiences can profoundly enrich your life and I strongly encourage you to honor the significance of your personal story. Please allow it to continue unfolding.