Recovering can be an immensely difficult and painful process, requiring your full commitment to see progress. Oftentimes, it feels like a constant uphill struggle that leaves you feeling uneasy and unsettled. Yet, the mental anguish you’ve been carrying is exhausting and you deserve to be free of it. Healing can help release what hurts you and mend the wounded parts of yourself. Though your path may require a lifetime of hard work, commitment, and effort, the priceless reward of regaining your wellbeing is a precious outcome worth striving for.

I personally understand how daunting recovery can be, but it’s also immensely valuable and gratifying. It teaches you to engage with the world, become more self-aware, and feel your emotions, rather than avoid them. You don’t have to resign yourself to a life of pain and fear – there are so many other possibilities. While saying this may seem straightforward, actually living it can be profoundly challenging. Nevertheless, even when the path forward is complicated and problematic, the choice to seek a better life exists. You have every right to feel better, and you deserve to fully experience life’s polarities and embrace the abundance of goodness it has to offer. The world may not be perfect, but it’s far from devoid of meaning. Even during the darkest moments, life still holds unimaginable beauty.

Recovery allows you to find that meaning and beauty for yourself. Trust your own journey – it’s as individual as you are.

As you move forward, there are a few universal truths that may benefit you. Say them quietly to yourself, write them down, or recite them to your reflection. It doesn’t matter how or when you say them, just keep repeating them until they become your own truth:

“I am worthy. I am loved. I am strong. I am deserving of recovery.”

You have the chance to remake the world in your own unique vision, showcasing the beauty that comes from simply being yourself.

If you approach each day with your best effort, live authentically with passion and intention, you can create real, positive change – in the world and in yourself. Take pride in your journey, even if it doesn’t match your expectations. We are all works in progress, striving to be our most unapologetic selves, and that is a beautiful thing. Your own approval is all that matters.

No matter what, you have the right to prioritize your own best interests, even if that means changing direction and starting over. Reigniting your journey takes immense courage, but by repurposing the challenges you’ve faced, you’re granting yourself a well deserved second chance and that fresh start may be an important catalyst for a transformation.

Begin now. Work on abandoning self-imposed limits – you are good enough, and your very existence sets an example of fearlessness. As you continue to persevere in your journey, your voice will become the spark that leads a revolution of empowerment. This moment, right now, is your turning point. The choice is pivotal. I encourage you to seize it!

And while this decision is a significantly important one for you, my hope for you and the world are equally so.

I truly hope you never feel the ache of suffering, but you take the pain for what it’s worth and let it help you flourish. Let the memories that illustrate your story – the beautiful and the messy ones, the ones you will cherish forever and the ones you try so hard to forget – become living poetry. The world needs so many more triumphant stories and I want to help yours become one of victory.

And while I understand victory might seem unattainable right now, it’s important to remember that mental illness can be as empowering as it is disabling. Your struggles do not define you. Rather, it is the rise of your true self and your journey of recovery to wholeness that makes life a rich and fulfilling experience.

Maintaining hope and believing in your own worth is vital to your recovery, which is a lifelong process of ebbs and flows. You will endure both exhilarating highs and devastating lows, as this life is intense, messy, and filled with painful challenges. Yet it is also full of overcoming adversity and reaching unimaginable peaks.

This is why persevering is worthwhile, despite all of the difficulties. The path to getting better is not linear and it’s certainly not easy, nor is it a quick fix. While struggling with your mental health is never a choice, deciding to seek help and become the best version of yourself, is. And it’s absolutely worth the effort.

Remember: You deserve to emerge from the silent darkness and live in the light. Though the journey of recovery may be intense and unpredictable – a true fight for your life – it is a fight worth pursuing, because you are worth all the effort it takes to heal your pain and reclaim your life.

Amidst the darkness, depression, and animosity that pervades our world, a guiding light – a lifeline, if you will – could prove invaluable. When our path grows dim and we falter, we yearn for something to support us on the long, winding journey ahead. It is my hope that this site may serve as that essential “lifeline” for you.